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4 Types of Managed IT Services to Improve Your Security

Maintaining your own IT security services in-house is no small investment, which is why many choose to outsource them. There are a host of benefits to managed IT security services , including loss prevention, disaster recovery and backup solutions, as well as regular checks and security upgrades.

As one of the leading commercial security services, CyberTech 360 provides a range of managed IT security services to help protect your business. Below you’ll find a list of them and their benefits.

  1. Remote Monitoring
    This is one of the primary reasons companies invest in managed IT security services, to have some type of automated round-the-clock monitoring. This service is designed to keep track of important system events to determine whether a security issue arises. It also tracks all inbound and outbound connections and user behavior to look for attacks.

  2. Perimeter Management
    This managed IT security service has to do with firewalls and virtual private network (VPN) monitoring. Security teams will make certain that all your intrusion detection systems are closely monitored, and all related hardware and software are functioning properly for your protection.

  3. Vulnerability & Penetration Testing
    By using simulated testing and software scans, managed IT services can determine where your network security system is vulnerable, preventing attacks and costly data breaches. Although such testing may often be performed only once at the outset of managed IT security implementation, many companies will also perform these tests at random to ensure the system is as resilient as possible. This type of testing often solely focuses on the network perimeter rather than performing a network-wide security assessment. This enables professionals to determine the ability of outsiders to make their way inside the network, then upgrading software and hardware accordingly.

  4. Compliance Monitoring
    Managed IT services are also designed to constantly monitor a company’s network for any slight changes, alerting personnel immediately if something is out of line with the company’s official policies. Such issues are flagged immediately so network administrators can address them.

Let CyberTech 360 help secure your company’s network today!

For those interested in safeguarding their network, contact CyberTech 360 online today to learn more about our managed IT security solutions. We also specialize in cyber security consulting services , disaster recovery and backup solutions, and cyber risk assessments. To learn more, call (403) 789-8933.

The post 4 Types of Managed IT Services to Improve Your Security appeared first on | Cyber Tech 360 | Alberta.

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